A Few of my Favorite Things
I’ve researched and used many products through the years. Taking the time to learn about a supplement, kitchen tool, or health device is time well spent, but everyone doesn’t have the luxury of dedicating the effort needed.
Here’s the thing - honestly - I’ve never been comfortable “recommending” products to others. So instead of “recommending”, I decided to share a few of the most important products I use to enhance my health & well-being along with my favorite kitchen tools. If something resonates with you - great! If not, that’s fine, too! These are personal decisions and it’s important to honor your own uniqueness.
By sharing the items, I must also open my heart and let you in on my own personal (sometimes private) struggles. I know it’s only by sharing my story that others might relate and get the help they need. Perhaps what helps me could offer some assistance for you. Wouldn’t that be wonderful.
Please know I will only share items that meet my strict scrutiny, and I’ll try to include only a handful. I will admit though, the kitchen tools section will be a bit more detailed because many different items can be utilized - and I LOVE my kitchen tools!
You can click on the photos to visit the websites or see below for more details about each selection. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Kitchen Tools
PURE Juicer Cold Press

VitaMix Blender
Cosori Food Dehydrator
Cuisinart Food Processor
Instant Pot 6 quart
Reverse Osmosis Water Filter
Zero Water Pitcher 6 Cup
Food Processor Mini
Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus Centrifugal Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel
Omega Juicer J8006HDS Quiet Dual-Stage Slow Speed Masticating 80 Revolutions per Minute with High Juice Output, 200-Watt, Silver
Hamilton Beach Fresh Grind Electric Coffee Grinder, Nut, Spices
Sprouting Lids, wide mouth
Ball Jar, 32 oz, wide mouth, 3 set
Ball Jar Plastic Lids, 2 sizes
Excalibur Dehydrator 9 tray
Vitamin Spatula 3 set
Gluten Sensitivity
Genetic Testing
I did Genetic Testing for Gluten Sensitivity and my lab results were life-changing!
This lab test was life-changing for me! I honestly wish it could be done for each newborn child going forward so they can avoid some of the health challenges my generation is plagued with. There is a lack of knowledge and understanding about what foods are ideal to ingest based on our own unique DNA.
I took the Gluten Sensitivity Test in October 2019, and I recorded the video when I got my results back in November.
Gluten proteins are in all grains, not just rice, barley, and rye. The Gluten Free Society is a hub of awesome information here online to help us learn about all glutens and the possible implications on our bodies.
I highly recommend reading No Grain, No Pain by Dr. Peter Osborne. Although the title is about pain, gluten causes all sorts of damage inside our bodies.
I stopped all grains, along with dairy and legumes, in August 2019 as a trial run to see if it made a difference in how I felt. In 2 short days, the depression that weighed me down every moment of every day for 3 decades, lifted like a kite taking off in the summer breeze into the sky! I felt happy. Alive. Hopeful. It was a miracle!
After 2 months, I experimented and ate out at a couple restaurants while on vacation and threw caution to the wind .... remember that kite in the wind? It came crashing back down on me. Depression blanketed me for 2 days then lifted once again because I was eating a clean diet -- one that fits my body the best!
What do I eat now? I mix it up with a variety of Whole Foods. Some days I eat Vegan, Paleo, or Whole 30 foods, and always utilize interrmittent fasting. I continue to avoid all grains and dairy but am able to incorporate pressure cooked beans (legumes) on my vegan days. This flexibility helps give my body a variety of nutrients.
To understand about all grains containing gluten, click here.
Foods for an Ever Changing Body
What foods are ideal for long-term health? Instead of focusing on a label to define myself by what I choose to eat, I have shifted my focus to hone in on which foods are best for health and longevity. Fortunately, the shift toward a whole food (single ingredient) diet that includes lots of vegetables and some fruits is capturing the attention of diet weary sufferers. Namely, the Mediterranean diet seems to hit a lot of the buttons for health, no matter what camp you choose to reside in: Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Keto, Whole-Foodie, etc.
Since we are each unique individuals, you can become a private detective with your health. In time, you will learn to recognize how your body reacts to certain things you ingest - either positively or negatively. Then the decision is yours, to make a change so you can feel vibrant and alive, or continue sacrificing your future. And here's a tip, detachment is a good thing because the body adjusts and rebalances based on your current diet. Once some areas are healed, you may need to readjust the foods, amounts, etc. for the next level of healing to occur. Yes, our bodies are constantly changing!
OMI (Oxford Medical Instruments) PEMF Devices
My husband Jeff and I have been using these PEMF devices to assist with our body's healing.
The full Body Pad can be used twice a day for general health & well-being and the Ring 2-3 times a day for direct areas. We love using the Pulsemat because it's totally portable and small.
To the right is an informational article from the Oxford Medical Instruments website.
Posted by on 11/27/2018 to Oh My Health Education
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field devices or PEMF devices have been used for decades to improve sleep, speed up healing and reduce pain. These devices send targeted energy pulses into the body to stimulate the cells and encourage faster, but still natural healing. The devices are used all over the world and there are a number of different types available depending on your physical condition and complaints. Or mabye you just need help on how to use PEMF devices. If you’re struggling to choose between them, here’s what you need to know.
There are hundreds of manufacturers out there and just as many variations of devices. These devices are used in different ways and to treat different problems and disorders. To understand which device you should try, here are some of the most common types of devices:
PEMF MATS - PEMF mats are literally what they sound like. They’re flat mats attached to a controller and a remote that you can use to adjust the treatment. They give you a whole body treatment designed to treat a number of issues and problems including general muscle pain or stiffness, poor circulation, and body aches. There are even some reports that these PEMF devices help with diabetes management, can encourage damaged bone to heal, and stimulate the organs.
PEMF MACHINES - These are the big PEMF devices that you usually see in therapists’ offices. They’re about the size of a suitcase and have buttons on top and tubes coming out of them. The tubes are placed on different parts of the body and shoot electromagnetic pulses into the tissue. These devices are often used to help heal athletic injuries, because they deliver a focused pulse straight to the damaged tissue. With this aim in mind, they can be used on any part of the body to encourage healing and cell renewal.
PEMF COIL - These PEMF devices can be used in your home and look like coils of wires on a metal platform. To use this device, you turn it on and sit in front of it. This device is used to deliver pulses to your entire body, soothing aches and pains and encouraging mental relaxation.
PORTABLE PEMF DEVICES - The last type of PEMF device is very small and is usually placed under your mattress at night. It’s attached via a tube to a small device that you can use to change the settings. Portable PEMF devices are designed to improve your sleeping patterns and help your body recover from the demands of the day as well as from long term aches and pains. The electromagnetic pulses from these devices reach every part of your body, so you may experience other benefits such as improved memory and mental focus as well as anti-aging effects.
Choosing a PEMF device is often a matter of trial and error. Check out the most popular brands of PEMF devices today. What works for you and your injury probably won’t work for someone else because everyone’s body is different. Your condition and your complaint determine which device you should use, so don’t trust anyone who claims that their device is the absolute best. There is no ‘best’, there is only what’s best for you. Be careful when choosing your device as there are a lot of PEMF scams out there.
Medical Warning and Disclaimer
The information in the course and books is not intended as medical advice or to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Pam Terrell. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Affiliate Disclaimer
Courses may contain clickable links to specific products used personally by Pam Terrell. Some links are affiliate products where a small commission may be paid to Pam Terrell.