Meet Team Terrell

Pam Terrell

Certified Metabolic Balance® Coach., Living on Live Food Chef, ​Hallelujah Acres Health Minister, Integrative Health Practitioner. L1


I am an author, certified Metabolic Balance® Coach, frequency facilitator,, live food chef, healthy living advocate, singer/songwriter and spiritual storyteller. My creativity is inspired by the beauty and unique energy during sunrise, walks along the beach, and hiking on vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I can usually be found creating health giving food in my kitchen or writing a song with my guitar!

I was awakened to divine guidance when I was 17 years old. Learning to hear the messages and follow its guidance has been a true gift! Lucky for me, I began writing poetry and journaling in high school, enabling me to document many profound experiences and insights through the years.

While watching amazing sunrises at the beach in West Palm Beach, FL, I began writing and photographing on a new level. I put my graphic design skills to work and designed a line of inspirational greeting cards (Pam Terrell Design) and items that are available on Zazzle. I love to capture beauty!

My body was sick a long time — over 30 years, actually. I'm grateful for the health struggle because the lessons learned gave me direct knowledge and experience that could happen no other way. I've found that when I take ownership of a situation, only then can I learn the true lesson. Recognition I felt during my own struggle let me know I chose this story for my life--I'm living and learning exactly what I set out to before I was born. Yes, I wrote this story for myself a long time ago.

For years I knew I would be writing a book. I didn't have a clear vision of the end result but continued journaling knowing it would someday become clear.

My first book, Raw Done Right, marries the raw food diet I learned at HHI into a doable program either for a cleanse or as a healing protocol. Healing my own body took me on an adventure enabling me to learn first-hand the power of such a program!

In the winter of 2013, divine guidance showed me a glimpse of the next book to be written. Surprisingly, it wasn't my project to tackle alone -I had a co-author (my husband, Jeff). I'm blessed and filled with joy to share On the Path of Love with you!

My cookbook, Whole 4 Meals, was created in 2019 as a recipe tool for The Dr. Cabral Detox. and was a fun project! Cooking, eating, photographing, designing, repeat ... what's not to like about that!?

Along my journey to find what my body, mind, and spirit needed to heal, I was blessed to learn from the top in the field. My resume includes working and/or learning at:

Certified Metabolic Balance® Coach Living on Live Food Chef, Alissa Cohen
Culinary Institute Level 1 - Hippocrates Health Institute , WPB, FL
Integrative Health Practitioner, Level 1
​Hallelujah Acres, Certified Health Minister #FSZ
Tree of Life Health & Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, AZ
The Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia
The Soma Center raw food restaurant in Lake Worth, FL
Frederic Patenaude, raw food author & speaker

Jeff Terrell


I am an engineer, avid cyclist, health bio-hacker, and spiritual traveler. In my early teens I began writing poetry and drawing cars, landscapes, and capturing visions from my inner travels.

Life is a wonderful journey. Once I looked at my life and thought; "How am I going to make it through the day?" Deep inside of me a quiet, but confident, voice gave me the knowledge that God would only give me life’s experiences at a pace I could handle. From that moment on, I knew that I was special, and so was everyone else. We are all divine beings having a physical experience. We are each a unique soul and we are all connected by love, the love of God.

My journey began many lifetimes ago. In those days I sorely lacked the spiritual maturity to truly understand who I was. Thus, my journey began through many lifetimes of pain and ignorance when I felt abandoned by God. Now, in this life, I have discovered a valuable secret. The secret that we are all on this divine journey home to God. We are all On the Path of Love.

For many years I have kept a diary of dreams and life experiences. Looking back over my stories I'm amazed at the wonder of it all. I'm writing to share my stories with you. Perhaps by reading mine you'll be able to unlock these very secrets for yourself.